- 2016.08.22
Statistical Statistical Summary of Participants & Presentations, and Photo Gallery uploaded.
- 2016.07.25
ICP2016 Abstracts now online.
- 2016.07.19
Social Event and Workshop for Early Career Psychologists offered by the Emerging Psychologists' Program.
- 2016.07.12
Information Desk and Services updated!
- 2016.06.29
The congress app MySchedule now available!
- 2016.06.27
ICP2016 Finalized Program now available!
- 2016.06.21
Exhibitors' Manual and Application Forms uploaded.
- 2016.06.13
Deadline for visa documents applications is June 20, 2016 (JST). There is limited time left for participants who need to apply for visa through our office in order to attend ICP2016. Please carefully read through and follow the instructions on ICP2016 website (https://icp2016.jp/information.html#info_08) to minimize the risk of missing your visa application.
- 2016.06.13
Deadline for visa documents applications is June 20, 2016 (JST). There is limited time left for participants who need to apply for visa through our office in order to attend ICP2016. Please carefully read through and follow the instructions on ICP2016 website (https://icp2016.jp/information.html#info_08) to minimize the risk of missing your visa application.
- 2016.05.16
If you require documents from ICP2016 to apply for visa, please carefully read through the instructions on ICP2016 website (https://icp2016.jp/information.html#info_08).
- 2016.05.11
The preliminary version of the ICP2016 Scientific Program is now available!
- 2016.04.01
Rapid Communication submission closed.
- 2016.03.20
The deadline for Rapid Communication submission has been extended to March 31, 2016 (24:00, JST).
- 2016.03.01
Last chance to submit an abstract for ICP2016
Abstract submission for the new presentation category, “Rapid Communication”, is now open. The deadline of abstract submission for this session is March 20, 2016, 24:00 JST.
- 2016.02.12
Guideline for exhibitors and advertising now available.
- 2016.01.16
All abstract submissions closed.
- 2015.11.30
The deadline for all abstract submissions for oral and poster presentation, contributed and invited symposium speakers, and thematic session speakers has been extended to January 15, 2016 (24:00, JST).
- 2015.10.02
Abstract submission for thematic sessions organizers closed.
- 2015.09.30
JTB (The Japan Tourist Bureau) Hotel Information started.
- 2015.09.25
The deadline (October 1st, 2015, 24:00 JST) for abstract submission for thematic sessions organizers is approaching.
- 2015.09.09
A new presentation category, “Thematic Sessions”, is now open. The deadline of abstract (proposal) submission for thematic session organizers is October 1st, 2015, 24:00 JST. The abstracts of thematic session speakers can be submitted after the organizer's abstract (proposal) is reviewed and accepted. The deadline for the abstracts of thematic session speakers is December 1st, 2015, 24:00 JST.
- 2015.09.04
The results of all applications for Emerging Psychologists' Program have been sent out.
- 2015.09.01
Abstract submission for contributed symposium organizers closed.
- 2015.08.21
- The general flow of the Registration & Submission has been modified.
- 2015.07.07
IMPORTANT NOTICE posted for all presenters accepted by Early Review
- 2015.07.07
The link to ACHP2016 is now available.
- 2015.07.01
Registration & Abstract Submission Started!
- 2015.06.16
Application for Emerging Psychologists' Program closed.
- 2015.06.01
Early Review Notice is uploaded.
- 2015.06.01
Call for Abstracts is updated.
- 2015.05.13
Call for Abstracts is updated.
- 2015.05.02
Abstract submission for EARLY REVIEW closed.
- 2015.04.13
Application Form for Emerging Psychologists' Program is now available.
- 2014.12.03
The official Twitter of ICP2016 is now opened:
- 2014.12.03
- 2014.12.03
Information on ICP2016 Public Lectures is uploaded.
- 2014.09.19
is updated.
- 2014.09.01
Abstract Submission for EARLY REVIEW opens.
- 2014.08.01
More than 1300 participants visited ICP2016 Booth opened at ICAP2014 in Paris.
- 2014.05.20
The second announcement is now available!
- 2014.05.20
Important dates, Programs & Call for Abstracts have been updated.
- 2013.11.26
The official Facebook page of ICP2016 is now opened:
- 2013.10.08
Promotion Logo and Slide are now available.
- 2013.08.23
Topic Category List is updated.
- 2013.08.16
Message from the IUPsyS President is posted.
- 2012.07.27
Handover Ceremony from ICP2012 to ICP2016 has been successfully completed.
Presentation introducing ICP2016 by the President, Kazuo Shigemasu is available.
- 2013.07.10
Information for the researchers invited to join the Scientific Program Committee of the ICP2016 is uploaded.
- 2012.06.08
The first announcement and/or the poster are now available for download.
- 2012.05.16
Congress Theme and Topic Category List are now available.
- 2012.05.12
The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology opens the symposium entitled "Contributions of Japanese animal psychologists to ICP2016."
- 2012.03.21
- ICP2016 website updated.
- 2012.02.21
Information on Group Tour for ICP2012 is uploaded.
- 2011.10.31
Message from ICP2012 President is now available.
- 2011.10.18
The Results of ICP2016 Logo Contest is uploaded.
- 2011.10.06
A world-widely famous creator of visual illusions, Akiyoshi Kitaoka opens "ICP2016 Informal Illusion Designs".
- 2011.10.03
The first meeting of the ICP2016 Organizing Committee was held at the Nihon University on September 17, 2011. Pictures
- 2011.09.05
A new address from the President of ICP2016 is uploaded in ABOUT US.
- 2011.09.05
SCHEDULE, ABOUT US, ABOUT JAPAN, WHAT'S NEW pages are now available.
- 2011.03.11
A Message from the Organizing Committee of ICP2016
- 2011.03.11
- ICP2016 website open.