Call for Abstracts for EARLY REVIEW (Closed)

EARLY REVIEW is for those who need feedback on abstract acceptance in order to apply for funding at their home institution in advance.
The deadline for abstract submission for EARLY REVIEW is May 1 (no later than 24:00 JST, Japan Standard Time) 2015, and the final review will be notified by July 15, 2015. Please note that no funding is available from ICP2016.
Those who apply for EARLY REVIEW should send the following information as an attached file (MS Word) to:
- - Names of authors
- - Affiliations
- - Email address of the primary contact person
- - Status and title (e.g., MA student, Doctoral student, Post-doctoral researcher, Professor, etc.)
- - Country or region
- - Topics of presentation (please choose three categories from the topic category list)
- - Form of presentation (Oral, Poster, Symposium, Invited symposium, Invited address)
- - Title of presentation (up to 30 words in English)
- - Abstract (up to 150 words in English)
Please note that any application lacking any of the information above will not be processed.
Those whose abstracts are accepted should also make a separate registration on the ICP2016 website after July 1, 2015 when the regular abstract submissions and congress registration systems will be available.