Call for Abstracts
Go to Registration & Submission System

General Guidelines
The main theme of ICP2016 is "Diversity in Harmony: Insights from Psychology." There are a wide range of topics on the topic category list, which will allow attendees to receive insights into diverse research fields, methods, and applications. Please see the IMPORTANT DATES shown below and be sure to submit your research before the deadline.*
The presentation formats are oral presentations, poster presentations, contributed symposia, and thematic sessions.
- Oral presentations: individual or co-authored paper. The duration of an oral presentation is 15 minutes, including discussion time.
- Poster presentations: individual or co-authored poster. The size of a poster should be no more than 200 cm (height) x 90 cm (width).
Contributed symposia:
- Should consist of three to five presentations, plus a discussion on a specific topic
- Speakers of a symposium should be from at least two different countries in terms of their affiliated universities/institutes
- Duration of a contributed symposium is 90 minutes
Thematic sessions:
- Should focus on a single theme
- Should consist of three to five presentations, plus a discussion on the topic
- A thematic session can be composed of speakers all from the same country
- Duration of a thematic session is 90 minutes
NEW Rapid Communication (Open from March 1 to March 31, 2016) :
- Rapid Communication offers the opportunity to present the late-breaking ideas and findings at ICP2016.
- Poster Presentation ONLY: Individual or co-authored poster.
- In the congress program, all Rapid Communication sessions will be scheduled on July 29, 2016.
- The size of a poster should be no more than 200 cm (height) x 90 cm (width).
Submission guidelines
- Word limit for presentation titles is 30 words (in English).
- Word limit for abstracts is 150 words (in English).
- For presentations on empirical studies, data collection and all analyses must be completed prior to submission.
- If English is not the authors’ first language, we recommend that the abstract is checked by somebody who is fluent in English prior to submission.
- Abstracts cannot be modified once they have been submitted.
Request from the Scientific Program Committee
- The total number of presentations per participant as a first presenter should be no more than two, including any combination of oral presentations, poster presentations, symposia, and thematic sessions. Additionally, a participant can be a discussant for a maximum of two symposia and/or thematic sessions.
- We will try to comply with the authors' preferred presentation method (oral or poster), but due to venue capacity, we may advise some authors to change the form of presentation (e.g., from oral to poster).
- People whose abstracts are not accepted and who wish to cancel their attendance will be fully refunded if they directly declare their intention to the ICP2016 office by email within a month after receiving notification.
IMPORTANT DATES for submission of abstracts
September 1, 2014: Abstract Submission for EARLY REVIEW opens. -
May 1 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), 2015: Deadline for abstract submission for EARLY REVIEW*(Closed) -
July 1, 2015: Opening for all abstract submissions (and congress registrations) -
September 1 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), 2015: Deadline for contributed symposium abstracts (symposium proposals) -
October 1 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), 2015: Deadline for thematic session organizer abstracts (session proposals) -
January 15 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), 2016: Deadline for all abstract submissions** -
March 1, 2016: Abstract Submission for RAPID COMMUNICATION opens. -
March 31 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), 2016: Deadline for abstract submission for RAPID COMMUNICATION -
April 1 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), 2016: Payment deadline of registration fee for all presenters***
* No funding is available from ICP2016.
** Feedback on abstract acceptance for symposium organizers and thematic session organizers will be sent by October 31, 2015. Feedback on abstract acceptance for oral/poster presenters, symposium speakers and thematic session speakers will be sent by February 29, 2016.
Feedback on the review results of abstracts submitted after December 1, 2015, will not be sent until mid-March, 2016. Please note that we cannot accommodate individual scheduling requests.
*** You can submit your abstract before or after registration and payment. If you would prefer to pay after receiving notification of abstract acceptance, you are required to pay the registration fee by April 1, 2016 in order for your presentation to be included in the program. Please note that the registration fee will increase from December 2, 2015.
Guidelines for Invited Speakers
- Keynote/Invited addresses: individual or co-authored paper. The duration of keynote and invited addresses is 40 minutes, including discussion time. Deadline for speakers' abstract submission is January 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time).
- Invited symposia
- Consists of three to five presentations, plus a discussion on a specific topic
- Speakers of a symposium should be from at least two different countries in terms of affiliation;
- Duration of an invited symposium is 120 minutes.
Each speaker will then submit each abstract using the key through the ICP2016 registration page. Deadline for speakers' abstract submission is also January 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time). The organizer is responsible for fulfilling the requirements for a symposium as described above.
Notes on abstract word limit
- 30 words in English for presentation title;
- 150 words in English for abstract.