ICP2016 Scientific Program (Finalized version)

The finalized version of the scientific program is now available for viewing and downloading.
- The file is in pdf format.
- PDF reader (e.g. Adobe Reader) is required to view the file.
- To conduct a search, press CTRL and F (for Windows) or Command (⌘) and F (for Mac) and type in the word (e.g., your family name, presentation title) you would like to search.
- Please note that we CANNOT accommodate individual requests for the following:
- Changes in presentation date, time or venue.
- Modification of submission details, such as change of first author, change of presenter, update of abstract.
the finalized program
(36.5MB) -
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Presentation guidelines and technical guidelines for PowerPoint presentations are listed below for presenters' consideration.
Presentation Guidelines
- Contributed symposia:
- The duration of a contributed symposium is 90 minutes. The organizer of the symposium is to ensure that the total duration of the session is kept within the time frame.
- Thematic sessions:
- The duration of a thematic session is 90 minutes. The organizer of the session is to ensure that the total duration of the session is kept within the time frame.
- Oral presentations:
- The duration of an oral presentation is 15 minutes, including discussion time. The first speaker in the oral session will take the role of the chairperson for the session. In case of the first speaker’s absence, the second speaker will take over the chairperson’s role. The chairperson is to ensure that each speaker’s presentation is within the 15 minute time window and that the total duration of the session is within 90 minutes. Please click here "Chairperson's Guideline" to see details.
- Poster presentations:
The size of the poster panel is 200 cm (height) × 90 cm (width). The poster should not exceed the panel size. Presenters are required to prepare and bring their printed poster. Pushpins will be available at the venue. Presenting authors of posters should take note of both the poster display-time and the presentation-time. Posters are to be displayed throughout the following display-time, according to the prefix of each poster's presentation ID.
PS25P July 25 13:30–17:30 PS26A July 26 8:30–12:30 PS26P July 26 13:30–17:30 PS27A July 27 8:30–12:30 PS27P July 27 13:30–17:30 PS28A July 28 8:30–12:30 PS28P July 28 13:30–17:30 In addition, the presenting author should be present in front of the poster during the hour indicated in the scientific program schedule.
- Rapid Communication:
- The size of the poster panel is 200 cm (height) × 90 cm (width). The poster should not exceed the panel size. Presenters are required to prepare and bring their printed poster. Pushpins will be available at the venue. Rapid Communication presentations will be held during the morning of July 29.
Presenters of Rapid Communication should display the poster during the time indicated in the scientific program schedule.
- Keynote/Invited addresses:
- The duration of keynote and invited addresses is 40 minutes, including discussion time.
- Invited symposia:
- The duration of an invited symposium is 120 minutes. The organizer of the symposium is to ensure that the total duration of the session is kept within the time frame.
Technical guidelines for PowerPoint presentations
- Presenting authors should arrive at the presentation venue 20 minutes prior to the start of the session and save the PowerPoint file to the computer provided in the venue.
- Congress computers will run on Windows 7 with PowerPoint 2007, 2010, or 2013 installed. Presenters should make sure that their slides run on every version of PowerPoint.
- Mac users are requested to test beforehand that the slides run on a Windows version of PowerPoint.
- For presentations involving video clips or other special file formats, presenters are strongly encouraged to use their own laptop computer. Presenters are to handle any technical problems that may arise should they decide to use their own equipment.
- The projector at the venue will only support VGA input. Presenters who wish to use their own laptop computer should check if their computer is equipped with a VGA outlet. If the computer does not support VGA (e.g., Mac), presenters are required to bring their own VGA adapter cable.
- ICP2016 does not have the necessary facilities to accommodate remote presentations (e.g., via Skype).
Certification of Presentation
The secretariat members in each session room will give you a Certificate of Presentaion.
If you need it, please ask the member after your presentation has been finished.