ICP2016 Scientific Program (Preliminary version)

The preliminary version of the scientific program is available for viewing and downloading.
The file is in pdf format.
- PDF reader (e.g. Adobe Reader) is required to view the files.
- To conduct a search, press CTRL and F (for Windows) or Command (⌘) and F (for Mac) and type in the word (e.g., your name) you would like to search.
Download the preliminary program
Please note that we CANNOT accommodate individual requests for the following:
- Changes in presentation date, time or venue.
- Modification of submission details, such as change of first author, change of presenter, update of abstract.
We recommend confirming your own presentation details. Please pay special attention to items (1) to (5) listed below.
(1) Tentative entries in RED.
Names of presenters of all presentations that are included tentatively due to incomplete registration fee payment status (as of May 9) are reflected in RED.
To all presenters of tentative entries in RED:
- All tentative entries will automatically be withdrawn from the finalized scientific program to be published officially on the ICP2016 website around June 2016.
- Please complete your registration fee payment by May 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time), so that your presentation can be included in the final scientific program.
- If you have any issue regarding payment timing, please fill in this form by May 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time).
- Even if you have previously contacted ICP2016 office regarding payment timing, please ensure to fill in the form above to reconfirm your request.
To invited/contributed symposium and thematic session organizers:
- Please check with the presenters in your session and ensure that all members completed their payment.
- In case that your session fails to meet the required conditions of each presentation category (for details: icp2016.jp/abstract.html#guidelines) due to cancellation of tentative entries, your session will be cancelled or converted to other forms of presentation.
(2) Details discrepancy
If there are any discrepancies between the details in the preliminary program and the information you have submitted through your ICP2016 account, please notify us by filling in this form by May 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time). Otherwise, the finalized scientific program will consist of the exact same details as in the preliminary program.
(3) Modification of affiliation information
If there is a change in your affiliation, including country, please notify us by filling in this form by May 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time).
(4) Attendance or presentation withdrawal decision
If you are unable to attend ICP2016 to make your presentation or if you have decided to withdraw your presentation, please send us your official notification or instruction through the form in this link by May 15, 2016 (no later than 24:00 Japan Standard Time).
(5) Finalized scientific program
The finalized scientific program will be published officially on the ICP2016 website (icp2016.jp) around mid June 2016. The abstract of each presentation can be viewed by a congress app called ‘My Schedule’ that will be available in late June 2016.