Social Program

The Organizing Committee will set up a special events program for ICP2016.
Scientific and educational visits and optional tours will offer excellent opportunities for the participants to experience some of Japan’s outstanding artistic and historical highlights.

Social Events

Sunday, July 24 Opening Ceremony (from 16:00 in the National Convention Hall of PACIFICO Yokohama)
Welcome Reception (Marine Lobby)
  [Included in the registration fee]
Tuesday, July 26 Invited Speaker’s Dinner (from 18:45 at the Royal Park Hotel)
Wednesday, July 27 Congress Dinner & Cultural Night (from 18:45 at the Yokohama Bay Tokyu Hotel)
Dinner, dance, Japanese style unique attractions and Japanese cultural
programs also available.
Friday, July 29 Closing Ceremony & Hand Over (from 16:00 in the Main Hall of PACIFICO Yokohama)

Cultural Programs

● Japanese Culture: Kimono wearing, Japanese harp performance, tea ceremony, flower
arrangement, origami classes, kabuki theatre, etc.

● Zen meditation practice: Introductory Zazen session in English
● National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
● Nissan Motor Corporation & Nissan Engine Museum

Optional Tours

Please click the following links for application.

* You will need to create a new account different from your ICP2016 account.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

1. Yokohama Walking 4 hours 26 Jul.
2. Japanese Garden & Shopping 4 hours 27 & 28 Jul.
3. Zazen & Lenten Lunch at Temple 8 hours 26 & 27 Jul.
4. Kamakura 1 Day 8 hours 27 & 28 Jul.
5. Hakone 1 Day 10 hours 25 & 28 Jul.
6. Tokyo 1 day 10 hours 25 Jul.

If you would like to find another plan to popular destination, Kyoto, Osaka, Nikko, Mt.Fuji,
please click here.

Japanese Culture Programs

Flower Arrangement

Tea Ceremony

Origami Classes

Kimono Wearing

Japanese Harp Performance


Wonderful Tourism Opportunities

If you would like to find another plan to popular destination, Kyoto, Osaka, Nikko, Mt.Fuji,
please click here.