Important Notice for All Presenters

In order to make a presentation at ICP2016, all presenters must complete the payment of the registration fee. Even if the abstract has been accepted by the Scientific Program Committee, the presentation will NOT be confirmed until payment is completed.
(1) The request for payment of registration fee uniformly applies to ALL presenters of the following format:
- – Invited Address
- – Invited Symposium (organizers, co-organizers, speakers, discussants)
- – Contributed Symposium / Thematic Session (organizers, co-organizers, speakers, discussants)
- – Oral / Poster / Rapid Communication presentations
(2) We strongly recommend all organizers of a Symposium or a Thematic Session to make sure that their fellow speakers have completed their payment.
How to make payment and/or check your payment status.
Please log in to your ICP2016 Account and refer to the section labeled “Online Registration.”
If you have not completed payment, please click on the “Proceed to Payment” button.
If you have paid by Credit Card, please make sure that the status is “Paid.”
If you have paid by Bank Transfer, it usually takes 5 business days or more for the payment to be transferred. Upon completion of transference, the status will change from “Waiting Payment” to “Paid.”