Message from the President

The forthcoming International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2012), to be held in Cape Town next July, will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to combine participation in an excellent scientific programme with a variety of interesting experiences in one of the most geographically and culturally diverse countries in the world, South Africa.
ICP 2012 will be the first time for this quadrennial flagship event in international psychology to be held in Africa and the second time for it to be held in the Southern Hemisphere, after Sydney in 1988, since the first Congress in 1889 in Paris.
ICP 2012 will be held at the award-winning Cape Town International Convention Centre, which is located on the foreshore at the entrance to the Victoria and Albert Waterfront and the CBD, with breathtaking views of Table Mountain (one of three World Heritage sites in the city), and is served by major freeways, including one that takes only 20 minutes from the airport, into which many international carriers fly. There will be ICP 2012 Help Desks in the Arrivals Halls of Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban airports from 15-25 July 2012 for the convenience of Congress participants. Cape Town is a safe and must-see city, which Japanese soccer fans enjoyed last year during the Soccer World Cup.
Founded in 1652, Cape Town is South Africa's Mother City, enjoying a winemaking tradition that began soon after. Cape Town boasts a wide range of quality and affordable accommodation within walking distance of the ICP 2012 venue, as well as budget accommodation suitable for students. An exciting array of social events and tours has been developed for delegates and accompanying persons embracing the culture, history, wildlife, flora and fauna, and sights for which Cape Town, its surrounds and South Africa are renowned.
Hosted by the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the Psychological Society of South Africa under the aegis of the International Union of Psychological Science, most leading South African Universities are ICP 2012 Academic Partners. The psychological associations of Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe are ICP 2012 Regional Partners. The 5th International Conference on Psychology Education and the 70th Annual Conference of the International Council of Psychologists will be featured tracks at ICP 2012, which also enjoys the support of other international psychology organisations.
ICP 2012 will showcase new frontiers of psychological science and practice as a means for improving, developing and enriching human life. The theme Psychology Serving Humanity acknowledges that all fields of psychology are inextricably engaged with the global and local communities in which we live, learn and practice.
The Scientific Programme Committee, that includes 46 divisions, covers the entire range of fields from Assessment to Trauma. The entire Scientific Programme, including the Pre-Congress Workshops, will enjoy Continuing Education (CE) credits where possible. ICP 2012 will also feature an exciting Emerging Psychologists' Programme and Advanced Research Training Seminars for early career psychologists from the developing world.
Over 300 leading figures in psychology have already confirmed their participation in the invited component of the scientific programme, which includes, Keynote Addresses, Symposia, Controversial Debates, State-of-the-Science Lectures, Pre-Congress Workshops, Translational Policy Research Lectures, Paper and Poster Presentations. Albert Bandura (modelling/social learning), Martin Seligman (learned helplessness/positive psychology), Elizabeth Loftus (false memory) and Michael Rutter (child and adolescent psychopathology) head up the varied and high profile line-up. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 December, and JPA members are encouraged to visit for more information and registration details. Japan has been amongst the top three countries to participate in the previous International Congresses, and, at the conclusion of ICP 2012, there will be a hand over at a glittering ceremony to the JPA, which will host the Yokohama ICP in 2016.
Saths Cooper, PhD
President: 30th International Congress of Psychology
22-27 July 2012 Cape Town, South Africa