Call for Abstracts - Guidelines for invited speakers

Guidelines for invited speakers

  • Invited addresses: individual or co-authored paper. The duration of an invited address is 40 minutes, including discussion time.
  • Invited symposia
    • Should consist of three to five presentations, plus a discussion on a specific topic
    • Speakers of a symposium should be from at least two different countries in terms of their affiliated universities/institutes
    • Duration of an invited symposium is 120 minutes
    The organizer of an invited symposium should first submit an abstract describing the purpose and structure of the symposium through the ICP2016 registration page (opening on July 1, 2015), and receive a “symposium key”. The organizer must then inform all symposium speakers of the symposium key. The deadline for symposium abstract submission is September 1, 2015. Each speaker should then submit an abstract using the symposium key through the ICP2016 registration page. The deadline for submission of speakers’ abstracts is December 1, 2015. The organizer is responsible for fulfilling the requirements for a symposium as described above.

Notes on abstract word limit

  • 30 words in English for presentation titles
  • 150 words in English for abstracts